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Employer-Sponsored Care

ProdiGene provides on-site and near-site childcare for company staff.

Parents employed by major corporations are able to work worry free knowing their children are being nurtured in a safe and close environment. ProdiGene creates an opportunity for parents to both excel and dominate in their work environment by providing an opportunity for work-life balance. ProdiGene propels the future of childcare as we know it!


Sixty-seven percent of parents are looking to employers to offset the cost of childcare. Organizations that provide childcare benefits to staff are leading the charge and creating a new culture for Corporate America. Investments in the futures of company staff as well as the futures of their children deepens employee loyalty and trust in the company.

  • 55% of parents will take a pay cut for a job that offers childcare. (Harris Poll 2019)

  • Employees with access to childcare report a 10% increase in work-life balance (KCE Fortune 100 Client Survey)

  • Providing childcare can reduce absences by up to 30% (Child Care Council 2014)

  • Childcare options provide relief for the 33% of parents experiencing financial hardships due to the cost of care (NPR, 2016)

Safe, secure childcare near work gives peace of mind to the 54% of parents who stay awake at night worrying about the source of their child’s care. (Harris Poll 2019)


How it works:

Step 1- Schedule a Consultation 


Step 2- Let's Collaborate!

Meet with one of our site advisors to create a specialized plan to fit the unique needs of your company. Curate a space that highlights your needs and allows your company's culture to shine. 


Step 3- We'll Take It From Here

You are ready to launch! We handle staffing, licensing, and marketing. At this step you will receive ongoing reporting on how your center is being used, communications assistance for families and staff, and assessments of what matters most to you.



Employer-Sponsored Care: About
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